Monday 13 January 2014

Leila Glen AKA Heat Workie

Yes I admit it. I’m the most inconsistent blog-poster ever, but this time I have a valid excuse I promise; I’ve been interning at Heat magazine. I KNOW. Mega-exciting. (I wouldn’t even normally say ‘mega exciting’ - the Heat jargon has clearly got to me.)

So far I’ve spent one massively valuable week as the so-called ‘Heat Workie’ (see pics below of my all access pass), and I still have another to go! Wanting to work in magazines is a tough dream to have… but alas, it’s the only one I’ve got! So I applied online for an internship through a company called Go-Think-Big. I knew it was pretty competitive and having no prior magazine experience I never in a million years expected to get chosen. But I thought I’d ‘think big’ (pardon the pun) and to my surprise was interrupted during my morning post work-out shower by a phone call inviting me along to the Heat Offices!!!

On the morning of my first day I quite literally jumped out of bed at 6am – having had no sleep the night before out of sheer excitement, getting up was actually a pleasant relief. I didn’t have to be at Heat until 10am but - me being me - I had to get a gym session in first to calm the unruly butterflies in my stomach. Workout done I headed home to shower, slip into my pre-prepared and seriously over analysed outfit (ended up bumping my trusty twenty8twelve jeans for tartan cigarette pants) and attempt perfect flicks with my liquid eyeliner. Seven eye-liner attempts later, I swiftly headed for the tube.

Coming out of the station I discovered it was raining, my umbrella broke, and I stepped in a puddle. I’m not normally superstitious but even Roy Cropper (the most cynical person I could think of…?) would have felt a little put-out by the trio of bad omens. My very rational (despite popular opinion) fear of being anything less than punctual, prompted me to break into a jog (heeled booties and all) and 35 minutes later I’d FINALLY completed the ‘5 minute walk’ to the offices. (And been called Rita-Ora on the way…Curious but nice.)

Once I’d signed in at reception reception, junior style writer Hannah came down to meet me, talked me through my general duties and showed me around the office (heat magazines, fashion collages and celeb breaking news stories were strewn out on every desk). Heat radio is broadcast in the room next door and blasted out all round the office – cool or what? (Ok not exactly blasted, but there was pleasant background music… we fashion editors have work to be getting on with you know).  I got logged on to the computer which I was to call mine for the week and duties included calling in products for shoots, talking to PR companies, researching for features and I was even given the chance to write articles for Heat online! Seeing my name in print (well, online print) next to my words was just the best feeling ever. If you weren’t one of the *ehem* lucky few being bombarded daily by mass text messages of links to my articles, you can find them below…

All in all my first week as a Heat intern was hugely insightful and I can honestly say I loved every minute. (Maybe had a slight teeny tiny miniature (barely there) blip in enjoyment when I went to the bathroom and realised I’d been walking around all morning with lipstick on my teeth INFRONT OF THE BEAUTY EDITORS). But apart from that genuinely didn’t want to leave the office!
Bring on the week ahead! Never thought I’d say this, but I really CAN wait for the weekend.

Leila x