Tuesday 29 October 2013

Who says you have to RUN a marathon?!

So its been a while (putting it mildly) since my last post; I have to confess - for a split second I even mind blanked on my login...

But this weekend I took part in something which not only had me glowing luminous with perspiration (better ring to it than 'pouring with sweat' right?) but also got my juices of the creative kind well and truly flowing; Hello new Blog Post!

The sweat inducing event I'm referring to was the 'Fist and Feather 3.5 hour Charity Body Combat Marathon, York Hall Bethnal Green' -  (and breathe). What on Earth you ask? Well it pretty much does what it says on the tin. On the bewitchingly crisp morning of Sunday 27th October, two hundred and fifty(ish) warriors/tribesmen/general-Body-Combat-fiends, gathered together to punch, kick and kata their way through 3.5 hours of intransigent Body Combat - Can I get a Kiah?!

Now I know what you're thinking, and I know because I thought it too - '3.5 hours' and 'Body Combat' are phrases which just shouldn't feature in the same sentence. Period. BUT my mind was soon changed when it was explained that we were fighting for a little girl in dire need of an operation to help her walk, and past marathons had meant she was already well on her way - 3.5 hours well spent, I'd say.

So after liaising with a lovely group from the gym, and roping my fabulous, always willing (poor unsuspecting) mother into proceedings, we bought our tickets (in the form of donations to the charity) and before we knew it the day was upon us!

Approaching the hall I genuinely felt more up for this than anything ever before! And once inside, forgive the imminent cheesiness/clichés but...WOW. The atmosphere was completely electric - (yes cheesy cliché, I did warn you). Peering around the hall bursting with Lycra clad participants, ready and waiting to literally KICK BUTT, the nerves, worries about not keeping up or collapsing on the spot just melted away and I couldn't wait to begin. Red Bull? Please. The whooping, energetic and generally AWESOME instructors, kitted out head to toe in Fist and Feather garments, were enough to 'give me wings'...

Ok, so some additional wings were strapped on at half time...

Once the music started, and combat was in full swing, time absolutely flew by! Before I knew it we were half way through and it was raining sweets (thrown out to us for that extra boost!) New tracks were combined expertly with old favourites which always got the crowd going. It was like being in a club when that song of the summer comes on and everyone invades the dance floor; Except instead of Swedish House Mafia it was tracks such as 'Phatt Base' getting the venue jumping.

And then just like that it was 3 pm and our Combat Marathon came to a head in style, everyone finishing together in a chorus of whoops and claps. Tired yes, sweaty hell yes, but never defeated! What a completely amazing day spent with inspirational people, I can honestly say I cannot WAIT to do it again!

Next year that is... My Red Bull fix for the foreseeable weekends will be downed in one and go by the name 'Jaeger Bomb'...

Oh, and the following day I obviously went shopping.
After all that 'Fist' action I thought it only appropriate to treat myself to some 'Feathers'...

Leila xoxo

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