Thursday 25 July 2013

Jog on...

Not feeling so good or suffering with a 'self-inflicted headache', the LAST thing on your mind is running, right?
Well I'm telling you, forget Berocca and go get your jog on!!

It's amazing how much getting out and breathing (gaspsing if you're doing it right) fresh air can lift your mood. It's the best therapy out there (besides the retail kind..)!

Anyway, it was a gorgeous evening and my running shoes were calling out to me!

Now I love a cute running outfit, what runner girl doesn't?! But the way the weather has been recently (not complaining, just saying...) the running leggings and matching North Face fleeces have been pushed right to the back of my wardrobe in favour of my signature teeny shorts. Now if I could run naked BELIEVE ME I would, but having some consideration for the neighbours I opted for the closest I could get...

So kit on and shoes and Ipod at the ready, I laced up, plugged in, and escaped the world for an hour or so...

Pretty Totteridge in the sun
 When I run my Ipod is MANDATORY and pretty much critical to the whole operation. I know some people like to hear the sounds of nature blah blah blah but nothing gets me going like some banging tunes! Not knocking nature, it's just a personal thing.
Plus running monotonously at set speed doesn't do it for me. If you really want to sweat interval training is your friend! I like to run moderately fast for a verse, then sprint the chorus like running is going out of fashion, then repeat. This mix of intensity makes for a much better calorie burning run.

If I'm feeling super strong, sometimes I'll work a little body conditioning into my run; just a few simple squats, lunges, press ups etc...Not ideal I know if you're road running in public; a few car horns are to be expected... but hey, you have the next song chorus to sprint away from any weird looks...;)

Happy running!
Leila xxx

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to work out how to follow you ....... O_O

    > <
