Wednesday 24 July 2013

Self control...Who really needs it?!

So I boycotted the shops for around 10 days after a clear out of my wardrobe revealed I'd already bought pretty much everything in the world and was just going round again; I found two identical pairs of jeans... Just how??!

Anyway, to cut a long story short, today I was bored and I caved. I dont even regret it! You can never have too many clothes right?! I don't know what I was thinking before.

I'm on such a shopping buzz now my fingers are shaking as I type this. NOTHING beats the feeling of fresh, label adorned, UNWORN new clothes. Not just outfit possibilities and combinations, but memories to be made, laughs to be had and Instagram photos to be published (ALOT in my case).

Looking over at my bags full to burst I can totally tell this week is going to be a frigin good one!!!

What do you think of my purchases??

School prefect - but a super cool one.

This is my airport outfit. So chilled and comfy! Just add flipflops...

Love a good knotted top

I know acid brights were a 'thing' last year but I never fell out of love <3

I know. But YOLO - can't wait to whip this baby out ;)

Next on my wish list: Leather skinnies and killer heels to wear with this KILLER top!

ALL MINE <3 <3 <3
(Courtesy of Topshop)

Leila xxx